How can you have an insanely productive 2015?

Posted by Paul Anderson

How can you have an insanely productive 2015?

2014 has been largely a great year for the businesses. Especially, for the small and medium-sized businesses that have fast climbed the ladder of growth, using the new-age business application technologies.


But that’s not the end. To keep continuing this wheel of productivity, businesses need to have a well-planned approach for this year too. And this is particularly relevant for those businesses who haven’t tasted much success in the last few months. 

Below given are five easy tips that can help every business entrepreneur to have a better and more productive time ahead. Take a look: 

1. Technology Consolidation 

According to the CSO Insights’ report, 56% of organizations do not have a consolidated technology framework. Using different standalone applications, businesses are suffering from fragmented data and below par results. 

To avoid this plight, consolidate all the technology solutions together. This will enable you to make better use of information and accelerate decision making.

Instead of investing individually in disparate applications – go for unified business management solutions. As evident from the name itself, these solutions break down the inter-departmental silos and combine the whole business process to provide a widespread view of the data.  Having complete data insight is especially important today because of the proliferation of activities companies have been and will be doing to carry their operations. 

2. Early Branding

Get on with the branding! The sooner you go about it – the stronger you will be able to showcase the product. In this hyper-competitive environment where there’s a cut-throat rivalry – strong branding will empower you to tackle the opponents attack. 

3. Process Assessment 

Although end of December and start of January is the best time when companies can do an auditing of their process, you can do it now as well. Running non-stop for years, auditing can facilitate in easy understanding of the loopholes (if any). For instance, you can know whether the existing policies and employees’ rewards schemes are in the best interest of the company or not.

Conflicts or missed targets can be the ideal area to start the auditing with. Once done, you can bring in the improvisations to create more value for the future. 

4. Focus on Metrics 

Experts across marketing, sales and customer service have predicted one thing in common – Growth of Metrics. In their opinion, while 2014 has seen a large influence of big data and dashboard reporting, in 2015 metrics will become central to decision-making. 

So move over to cloud based applications (analytical tools) to understand trends more precisely than ever before. With all the necessary algorithms at the fingertips, you will find it easy to: 

Forecast performance 

Guide strategies 

Re-prioritize activities to reach the set goals.

5. Customer Centricity 

Jay Henderson, Director of Strategy, IBM Experience One, has stated – 2015 will be primarily about the customer experience. 

Henceforth, give undivided attention to customers. Remember, every marketing, sales and customer service interaction will impact customers’ perception of the brand. 

The key will be to make each interaction with the customer – relevant, consistent, and engaging. Then only will you be able to have a bunch of happy and loyal client base.