Point of Sale (POS) automates central check out processes as well as transactions in a retail store or any place where such business usually occurs like restaurants, hospitals, salons, casinos etc. A check out denotes a POS terminal or more generally, an appropriate hardware and software system being used for checkouts, just like an electronic cash registration. POS terminal, precisely, controls the selling procedure through a seller accessible interface.

POS software technology:We have designed our POS software under a robust architecture focusing on simple, flexible usage and thus cater to multi trading and service industries, either under a single roof or separately. There is also a modular product offering suite for additional services viz. credit-card processing, electronic commerce etc.

More on our POS software development service… Our Point of Sale (POS) software system connects retail outlets of the clients, offers them critical management analysis reports and also provides easy access to sales, client records as well as inventory information in real time. All sorts of transactions, right from central office to a simple customer transaction for a retail outlet, are secured through multiple levels of safety encodings. Other things like product transactions for e-signature capture pads, exclusive debit /credit card expenses, smart-card interface, website platforms etc are included into the system.

Benefits of Our POS software:

Eliminating conventional back-office module of POS system: At present, entrepreneur wants their management to gain access to few back office functions for daily operation management but do not wish them to gain full control over the system. That is why they want to remove this traditional back office management procedure. We help in perfect managerial operation and that too by protecting key trade info and secrets.

Incorporation with Enterprise Application:In our point of sale system, we have created a flexible as well as a dynamic API level which enables it to become programmer friendly and also makes it easier to amalgamate any third party enterprise apps

Dealer centric applications as well as support: Our POS is totally sales oriented. Applying several processes like accurate inventory control, short real-time reporting, customized security attributes as well as interactive client sales tracking for a ‘multi-location’ scenario, we encompass needs of all kinds of businesses.

Customer Friendly: Our POS software is ideal for the customers who want to stick to their budget, yet expect outstanding service and product. Our clients can get useful customer centric features like display of past purchases, bills, shipping and other important records through internet. It is perfect for use in all sectors and industries that require multi-location administration.