PointJava 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is mainly used for mainframe computing used in big enterprises. Formerly developed for simplifying application development in a tiered, low-cost, centrally-controlled computer system, J2EE has included standardized, recyclable modular elements to handle several programming facets automatically.

Significantly, J2EE substantially has minimized both efforts and money being used for developing multi-tier solutions and also enables the entire development procedure smooth and trouble-free. It turns out to be one of the biggest advantages of J2EE technology.

This cutting edge J2EE platform has included several components of Java 2 Platform namely Standard Edition (J2SE) like “Write Once, Run Anywhere” portability; JDBC API for bringing database accessibility: COBRA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) technology for interaction with the current enterprise resources and a security model for data protection both locally and also in website applications.

Chief components of J2EE:

Java Servlets API:The Java servlet API (application programming interface) enhances uniformity for the developers without the requirement of a graphical user interface.

Enterprise JavaBeans elements:It is a unique server-based technique for delivering promming components into an organization system. It offers support to the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and has improved deployment as well as security attributes.

JavaServer pages:Java Server Pages (JSP) is Java comparable to Active Server Pages (ASP) of Microsoft. It is used for dynamic online data access as well as manipulation.

Besides making coding simpler and even, more straightforward, J2EE also succeeds in maintaining the intrinsic hold of JEE as the dominant platform in case of development of enterprise apps.

Our J2EE development offerings:

Application development: We create desktop as well as web-oriented Java applications and products by using open source J2EE frameworks namely Struts, Hibernate, Turbine and few more. We develop JSP or JSF or Struts based online application, Effective application server migration to Java/J2EE platform like Apache, JBoss, Weblogic, WebSphere etc. In addition we successfully accomplish migration of any software solutions into Java/J2EE platform.

Consultation: We provide consultation services on Java-centric software development including Java Architecture as well as design assessment.

What is so special about our J2EE web development service?

Incorporating best techniques and high industrial standards, our experience and competence in J2EE development service promises you to provide quality application development. We save cost and cut back development time, so easily.

We offer you latest J2EE version……… Our Java web development solution also enhances the existing J2EE applications with new features and functionalities with a faster turn-around time. By using new, lightweight Java EE 6 platform we maintain industry’s standard for enterprise solutions in upcoming days. GlassFish Server 3.1.1and several other features that are available at this edition customize your application system.